Product Chart

Flex-Sides, Our Patented, Superior Solution
for Easy On/Off and Container Retention.
Uncompromised Made in USA Craftmanship.

Best Selling 222x2x11 Spice Rack22x2x14 Spice Rack

Organize Pantry with 5x2x18 Spice Rack DrawerSpice Rack for Deep Cabinets

-Most Spices in the Smallest Space 
-Individual - Full Extension Drawers
-Stack 1/2 Size Spice Jars

Self-Help Product Selector

4 Different Units With Independent Drawers

Sorted by base width, from widest (6.9") to narrowest (2.25") 
Separated by unit depths of 10.6”,  13.8”, 18.0" and then 22.1”


x11 Units - 10.6" Depth
Material This Unit Unit Width (Base) Unit Height Drawers and Tier Spacing


in Spice Jars (2"x5")

222 x 2 x 11
Vertical Spice shelf
Three 2.1” Wide Drawers

Two Tiers Tall Spaced 5.375” Cream - 5.25" Maple

30 Std or 60 half
222 x ADJ x 11 DCP
Vertical Spice shelf
Three 2.1” Wide Drawers 6.9" 11.25" 5 Upper Tiers available, 7 different heights Variable depending upon shelf locations
222 x 1.5 x 11
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch   material swatch   material swatch 
Three 2.1” Wide Drawers Two Tiers Tall Spaced 5.375” Cream - 5.25" Maple 15 Std & 15 half
222 x 1 x 11
Vertical Spice shelf
Three 2.1” Wide Drawers Single Height Drawers 15 Std
33 x 2 x 11
Vertical Spice shelf
Two 3.25” Wide Drawers Two Tiers Tall Spaced 5.625” Cream - 5.5" Maple Large Containers
33 x ADJ x 11 DCP
Vertical Spice shelf
Two 3.25” Wide Drawers 6.9" 11.25" 3 Upper Tiers available, 7 different heights Larger Containers
33 x 2TL x 11 DCP
Vertical Spice shelf
Two 3.25” Wide Drawers 6.9" 12.25" Two Tiers Tall Spaced 7.12” Large Containers
33 x 1 x 11
Vertical Spice shelf
Two 3.25” Wide Drawers Single Height Drawers Large and Tall Containers
6 x 2TL x 11 DCP
Vertical Spice shelf
One 6.7” Wide Drawer 6.9" 12.25" Two Tiers Tall Spaced 7.0” Large Containers
6 x 1 x 11
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch   material swatch   material swatch 
One 6.7” Wide Drawer Single Height Drawer Largest and Tall Containers
23 x 2 x 11
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch   material swatch   material swatch 
One 2.1” and One 3.25” Wide Drawer 2.1” Drawer Two Tiers Tall Spaced 5.375” Cream - 5.25" Maple 10 Std and Large Containers
23 x 1.5 x 11
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch   material swatch   material swatch 
One 2.1” and One 3.25” Wide Drawer 2.1” Drawer Two Tiers, Two Tiers Tall Spaced 5.375” Cream - 5.25" Maple 5 Std & 5 half + Larges
23 x 1 x 11
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch   material swatch   material swatch 
One 2.1” and One 3.25” Wide Drawer Single Height Drawers 5 Std + Large Containers
5 x 2TL x 11 DCP
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch 
One 5.55” Wide Drawer Two Tiers Tall Spaced 7.0” Large Containers
5 x 1 x 11
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch   material swatch   material swatch 
One 5.55” Wide Drawer Single Height Drawer Largest and Tall Containers
22 x 2 x 11
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch   material swatch   material swatch 
Two 2.1” Wide Drawers Two Tiers Tall Spaced 5.25” 20 Std or 40 half
22 x ADJ x 11 DCP
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch 
Two 2.1” Wide Drawers  3 Upper Tiers available, 7 different heights Variable depending upon shelf locations
22 x 1.5 x 11
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch   material swatch   material swatch 
Two 2.1” Wide Drawers Two Tiers Tall Spaced 5.25” 10 Std & 10 half
22 x 1 x 11
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch   material swatch   material swatch 
Two 2.1” Wide Drawers Single Height Drawers 10 Std
4 x 2 x 11
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch   material swatch   material swatch 
One 4.4” Wide Drawer Two Tiers Tall Spaced 5.625” Cream - 5.5" Maple Large Containers
4 x 2TL x 11 DCP
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch 
One 4.4” Wide Drawer Two Tiers Tall Spaced 7.12” Large Containers
4 x 1 x 11
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch   material swatch   material swatch 
One 4.4” Wide Drawer Single Height Drawer Large Containers
3 x 2 x 11
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch   material swatch   material swatch 
One 3.25” Wide Drawer Two Tiers Tall Spaced 5.625” Cream - 5.5" Maple Large Containers
3 x ADJ x 11 DCP
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch 
One 3.25” Wide Drawer 2 Upper Tiers available, 7 different heights Large Containers
3 x 2TL x 11 DCP
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch 
One 3.25” Wide Drawer Two Tiers Tall Spaced 7.12” Large Containers
3 x 1 x 11
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch   material swatch   material swatch 
One 3.25” Wide Drawer Single Height Drawer Large and Tall Containers
2 x 2 x 11
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch   material swatch   material swatch 
One 2.1” Wide Drawer Two Tiers Tall Spaced 5.375” Cream - 5.25" Maple 10 Std
2 x ADJ x 11 DCP
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch 
One 2.1” Wide Drawer 2 Upper Tiers available, 7 different heights Variable depending upon shelf locations
2 x 1.5 x 11
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch   material swatch   material swatch 
One 2.1” Wide Drawer Two Tiers Tall Spaced 5.375” Cream - 5.25" Maple 5 Std & 5 half
2 x 1 x 11
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch   material swatch   material swatch 
Two 2.1” Wide Drawer Single Height Drawer 5 Std or 10 half
222 x 2 x 14
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch 
Three 2.1” Wide Drawers Two Tiers Tall Spaced 5.25” 36 Std or 72 half
222 x 1 x 14
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch 
Three 2.1” Wide Drawers Single Height Drawers 18 Std or 36 half
33 x 1 x 14
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch 
Two 3.25” Wide Drawers Single Height Drawers Large and Tall Containers
6 x 1 x 14
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch 
One 6.7” Wide Drawer Single Height Drawer Largest and Tall Containers
5 x 1 x 14
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch 
One 5.55” Wide Drawer Single Height Drawer Largest and Tall Containers
22 x 2 x 14
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch 
Two 2.1” Wide Drawers Two Tiers Tall Spaced 5.25” 24 Std or 48 half
4 x 2 x 14
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch 
One 4.4” Wide Drawer 2 Tiers Tall Spaced 5.5” Larger Containers
4 x 1 x 14
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch 
One 4.4” Wide Drawer Single Height Drawer Larger and Tall Containers
3 x 1 x 14
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch 
One 3.25” Wide Drawer Single Height Drawer Large and Tall Containers
2 x 2 x 14
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch 
One 2.1” Wide Drawer 2 Tiers Tall Spaced 5.25” 12 Std or 24 half
5 x 2 x 18
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch 
One 5.55” Wide Drawer 2 Tiers Tall Spaced 8.0” Largest Containers
5 x 1 x 18
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch 
One 5.55” Wide Drawer Single Height Drawer Largest and Tall Containers
22 x 2 x 18
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch 
Two 2.1” Wide Drawers Two Tiers Tall Spaced 6.0” 32 Std or 64 half
22 x 1 x 18
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch 
Two 2.1” Wide Drawers Single Height Drawers 16 Std or 32 half
4 x 2 x 18
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch 
One 4.4” Wide Drawer 2 Tiers Tall Spaced 8.0” Larger Containers
4 x 1 x 18
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch 
One 4.4” Wide Drawer Single Height Drawer Larger and Tall Containers
3 x 2 x 18
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch 
One 3.25” Wide Drawer 2 Tiers Tall Spaced 6.0” Large Containers
3 x 1 x 18
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch 
One 3.25” Wide Drawer Single Height Drawer Large and Tall Containers
2 x 2 x 18
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch 
One 2.1” Wide Drawer 2 Tiers Tall Spaced 6.0” 16 Std or 32 half
2 x 1 x 18
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch 
One 2.1” Wide Drawer Single Height Drawer 8 Std or 16 half
2 x 1 x 22
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch   material swatch 
One 2.1” Wide Drawer Single Height Drawer 10 Std
2 x 2 x 22
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch   material swatch 
One 2.1” Wide Drawer 2 Tiers Tall Spaced 6.0” 20 Std
2 x 3 x 22
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch   material swatch 
One 2.1” Wide Drawer 3 Tiers Tall Spaced 6.0” 30 Std or 60 half
3 x 1 x 22
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch   material swatch 
One 3.25” Wide Drawer Single Height Drawer Large and Tall Containers
3 x 2 x 22
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch   material swatch 
One 3.25” Wide Drawer 2 Tiers Tall Spaced 6.0” Large Containers
3 x 3 x 22
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch   material swatch 
One 3.25” Wide Drawer 3 Tiers Tall Spaced 6.0” Large Containers
4 x 1 x 22
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch   material swatch 
One 4.4” Wide Drawer Single Height Drawer Larger and Tall Containers
4 x 2 x 22
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch   material swatch 
One 4.4” Wide Drawer 2 Tiers Tall Spaced 8.0” Larger Containers
5 x 1 x 22
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch   material swatch 
One 5.55” Wide Drawer Single Height Drawer Largest and Tall Containers
5 x 2 x 22
Vertical Spice shelf
 material swatch   material swatch 
One 5.55” Wide Drawer 2 Tiers Tall Spaced 8.0” Largest Containers

Patent US 201401252 A1                  Click here for a: "Metric Version Product Chart"

All Vertical Spice units arrive fully assembled with side bands and mounting screws.

Drawer length is 10.05" for x11 units, 13.6” for x14 units and two 10.7” lengths for x22 products as measured between front and back plastics.

Depth: Measured from back of cabinet to inside the closed door.

Height*- 10.75" requires 12" space for Standard Spice Jar
          - 9.25" requires 9.5" space for 1/2 sized Spice Jar
          - 5" requires 6" space for Standard Spice Jar 

Width: Minimum space between hinge and frame, fit to space by base width.

A standard spice jar = Diameter 2" or less, Height up to 5" tall.  Half-size = 2 1/8" tall x 2" diameter (stack-able)